The team
Girl Leaders

Velma Akinyi
Champions Girls’ Club President
My name is Velma Akinyi, I am in grade 7 at Miguye primary school. I am the president of Let Girls Learn Initiative Champions Club. I would like to be a doctor when I grow up to help the sick people in the society to enable them have good health always. I am also happy that I know my right through LGLI who taught us. I like singing as well as playing football.

Daisy Atieno
Champions Girls’ Club Secretary
My name is Dasy Atieno, I am in grade 7 and I am 12 years old. When I grow up, I would like to be a teacher. I am passionate of teaching; I am currently the secretary of Champion club formed in our school under LGLI organization. I like to the environment and like planting trees as well. This one of the core values of LGLI and I appreciate them for that.

Joy Melvin
Champions Girls’ Club Vice President
My name is Joy Melvin. I am in grade 6 at Miguye Primary school. I am 12 years old. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. I like to be a strong girl. I want to grow up and help other girls in their education. I like to travel and also like domestic animals. My passion is agriculture.

Valary Achieng
LGLI Community Girls Club leader
Valary just completed form four exam waiting to join college. She is bold, courageous, respectful and observant. Valary seeks to be an inspiration to other girls, having being a leader in high school and even in her community at Rabuor in Kisumu, Kenya. In her free time, she enjoys to volunteer and chat with friends and adolescent girls in her village. She engages them in life skills and empowers them to speak against cultural and gender-based violence. Valary is looking forward to pursue a career in nursing

Flavian Atieno
Champions Girls’ Club Talents Coordinator
My name is Flavian Atieno I am in class 8 at Miguye primary school. I am 13 years old. I am in charge of talents in our Champion Club formed by LGLI organization. When I grow up, I would like to an information and technology expert and motivate more girls and women in the technology and innovation sector. I like dancing and drawing as well.

Truphena Onoka
LGLI Community Girls Club leader
A gender advocate in the making, Truphena is an exemplary young leader. She has demonstrated leadership skills as she was a class prefect and team leader for the football club in her secondary school – Sinyolo Girls Secondary school, where she did her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and passed well. She is passionate about education and for that reason, she enjoys having conversations with her peers encouraging each other to focus on their education.

Nurat Wamaya
Acting Executive Director
Nurat is a young Kenyan feminist, youth leader, a supporter of social justice and human dignity. Her forte is in safeguarding and meaningful engagement of young people and she specializes in empowering young people and adolescent girls to engage in important and transformative activities while learning new skills and receiving the encouragement they need to have confidence in themselves.

Pamela Elizabeth
Adolescent Girls and Young women Projects Coordinator
Pamela Elizabeth is the Adolescent Girls and Young Women projects coordinator and social worker at LGLI. She holds a Diploma in Disaster Management from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, and currently pursuing her Bachelor’s degree of Social Work and Community Development at Masinde Muliro University-Kenya. Over the years, she has had opportunities in a variety of settings where she has demonstrated leadership and empathy in caring for her community

Olive Andika
Advocacy and Communications Officer
Olive is the Advocacy and Communications Officer at LGLI. Olive is a results-oriented special needs education, gender, youth, and governance officer with over three years of experience in the development sector. She is passionate about working to achieve quality inclusive education, gender equality and youth empowerment, and is committed to using her skills and experience to make a positive impact on the world. She graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor’s in Gender and Development.
Community Volunteers

Owuoth Vicky margaret
Community Youth Volunteer
Vicky is a vibrant, passionate, enthusiastic and self-driven 21st century secondary school teacher. She is also a trained peer counselor from Egerton University and has previously worked with the Kenya girl guides association as a young leader. Vicky has been involved in various youth and adolescent girls’ seminars and forums and has led discussions on issues related with drug and drug abuse, SRHR and responsible sexual behavior and career pathways education.

Alphine Adhiambo
Community Youth Volunteer
Early to my education experience I strive to bring home a perfect report, and each year passed by, working hard to achieve my personal best become a natural habit just as much as a priority. This natural habit to do my personal best not only developed to throughout my education, but spread into sports, work and pretty much everything else I associated myself with. By being motivated to work hard, I also developed a strong sense of leadership in everything.

Martina Odipo
Community Youth Volunteer
Martina is a graduate at Siaya Institute of science and technology with Diploma in social work and community development. Tina is passionate about promoting gender equality in raising a feminist generation. She believes that everyone is important in the society and that’s why she help teenage girls and young mothers in her community to reach their full potential especially encouraging them to go to school and achieve their desired goals.

Kelvin Okelo
Finance Manager
Kelvin Okello is a development sector professional with specific expertise in Financial Administration, Grant management and Operations management. He has over 11 years progressive experience in this sector and has worked extensively to support Local-Kenya based and International Non-Governmental Organizations-INGOs’ in Somalia, Sudan, and Kenya, implementing governance, peace and security, human rights and women empowerment and inclusion programs